Ar. Ruturaj Vanage

Principal Architect


Interior Design100%
Planning & Management95%
Research & Tools 100%

Architecture is an expression of creativity through various media of engineering disciplines for achieving a culmination of a sustainable, aesthetic & functional space. As in every art form, Architecture requires sound patronage to manifest the ideology in reality. As such, it is the impending duty of the Architect to generate, sustain & safeguard the value of all its invested stakeholders.

Creativity that addresses the inherent issues of a desired sustainable outcome that maximizes the invested capital in terms of resources & efforts is the need of the day, so that lasting edifices of sustainable spaces can be constructed over a period of time.

An architect with more than 25 years of national & international experience, he has partnered with some of the most prolific companies & individuals to realize landmark projects that have been appreciated by users and critics alike. A brief narrative of some of his projects is being presented here, to provide a preview of his acumen as a designer with a conscious focus on amalgamating aesthetic, engineering, sustainability, user experience, cost & time.

Contact Info

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